It is very important to check SASSA balance for R350 grant regularly for those who have applied for SASSA grants and rely on them and are always waiting for their approval. It is really important for every applicant to regularly check and track the status of the grants. You can check the status of the R350 grant very easily within a minute.
How do I Check My SASSA Balance?
In order to facilitate the beneficiaries, SASSA has provided the following methods through which you can check the SRD status check balance for R350 with the best suitable method. Following are the easiest methods for R350 balance check:
Via USSD Code
SASSA has provided two USSD codes. You can choose anyone, i.e *1203210# and *1209277#. Dial any of these codes from your mobile phone and verify your credentials. After that, you will receive the current R350 grant balance notification via SMS on your mobile phone.
Over ATM
If you want to check your balance, go to the nearest ATM and follow these simple steps to proceed:
At Post Office
For checking the SASSA card balance for the R350 grant, the nearest post office can be a handy option.
Importance to Check SASSA Balance for R350
When you are going through hard times in life, then you always want to receive such social grants well on time. This assures you the following:
Payment Dates for R350 Grant SASSA Status Check
SASSA does not disclose the exact payment dates and availability of grants. This is so because the date of availability of grants is not determined by the banks individually. This is decided by SASSA’s internal team working on it. Once you check the status and find that your application is approved,. It does not mean that the grant is credited to your money, so you need to wait. SASSA will communicate it to you officially through SMS that the funds will be available for withdrawal at which date.
Is SASSA Status Check and SASSA Balance Check for R350 the same?
SASSA Status Check and SASSA Check Balance are two different concepts; everyone must understand them. Basically, SASSA Status Check refers to what stage your application is reached. It implies how long your application needs further approval. Further, it is a track record from which you check if there are any delays or any other issue in your application and can remove it.
On the other hand, Check SASSA Balance simply provides your current account balance, i.e money left in your account. Further, this enables you to manage your expenditures well according to your balance.
One must stay acknowledged with term Check SASSA Balance for R350 and keep himself updated on regular intervals in order to manage your finances. You can check the balance using different methods which are best suited for you, i.e via USSD Code, WhatsApp, over ATM, and visiting the Post Office.