What does SASSA Referred Status Mean? R350 status check
SASSA Status, Reconfirm SASSA

SASSA Referred Status is one of the terms that you will have to be well aware of it, because you may listen to it at any stage. Those who have applied for a social grant from SASSA must remember that their application will go through different stages. In order to avoid any confusion, everyone must have an understanding of the system.

What Does Referred Status Mean?

If upon checking the status of your application appears as “Referred,” then you don’t need to worry about this, as there is nothing wrong with your application. Every applicant’s application passes through different levels of scrutiny, and if you see this status, it means that your application has cleared the initial scrutiny and is under deeper consideration.

SASSA Referred Status, SASSA Referred Status 2024, Application Under Process, Under review,

There can be several reasons for showing this status. Following major points can be the cause of this status:

Quality Assurance (Suspicious Activity)

Although SASSA is dealing with millions of applicants, their main focus is always to provide quality, they analyze every application thoroughly. So that the relief may be transferred to the right person. They verify the information provided by the applicant with reality before deciding on any application. Due to these reasons, you may see referred while checking the status of your application.

Data Discrepancies / Missing Information

At the time of filling out the application form, you should be careful and cross-check everything that you have written on the form. A single alphabetical or numeric mistake in your name, address or ID Card can result in a significant delay in the processing of your application. Further, every box is compulsory to be filled, and you must attach all necessary documents along with the application form. The information provided in the application form must match the government record.

Duplicate Applications

If you have applied recently for a SASSA grant, then you should wait patiently. In case of hurry, if you have submitted multiple applications at the same time, then this can be the cause of delay, and status will be referred as well.

Mistakes in Changing Bank Details

At any stage, if you changed your bank details and now your current and old bank details are different, then your status will appear referred.

Mistakes in Reviewing and Applying for new Card

When your SASSA Card is expired, you need to apply for a new card, then you should provide correct information in order to avoid any inconvenience later.

How to Fix Referred Status?

In case your application status is appearing as “Referred”, you should contact SASSA and try to find out the actual reason behind this. Then you should fulfill what is missing and resolve your issue. You can approach SASSA in the following ways:

  • Through Call or WhatsApp

Directly Call on SASSA official number 0800 601 011 and tell the representative your personal information, i.e., ID number, Phone number and Reference Number. Then he will check what is missing in your application or any other deficiency. Provide them requisite information so that your matter can be sorted. You can contact SASSA on their official Whatsapp number i.e. +27820468553 and then follow the instructions.

  • Through E-mail

SASSA has provided many options so that you can access them and sort out your problem as soon as possible. Just simply email SASSA’s official email address, i.e [email protected]. Explain the issue in email along with your credentials; in response, they will inform you of the reason why your application is showing “Referred”. Provide them their requisite information once they verify it. Your application will be approved.


SASSA is working efficiently to accommodate the applicants for the grants. Applicants must read terms and conditions before applying and understand the requirements of the system. People must provide requisite information and attach compulsory documents so that their application can be processed smoothly and they can get a grant on time without facing any hurdles.

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